Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Nutritional Balancing commences

We have started a nutritional balancing program (officially on 3/2/12 (start of supplements)). We have been out of the gym since last March-ish (3/11) as we discovered through the processes of healing that working out was not complementary to progress! In fact, it was inimical to progress as it slowed down healing and in many cases made it much worse.

The week prior to starting the nutritional balancing program we purchased a vita-mix food processor as L had been having significant gall bladder problems since mid-February following a very stressful and intensive campus visit interview. We reasoned that it would help digestion thus relieving the gallbladder (perceived to be anyway) pain. We also bought a ton of veggies and have upped our veggies significantly since then. We are sure this is influencing the start of the nutritional balancing program, but it is what it is. Pain never comes at an opportune time.

Results of first hair mineral analysis test (dated 2/27/12):

E has been found to be a significantly slow oxidizer. Found to have adrenal burnout in the exhaustion stage. Has aluminum toxicity.

L has been found to be a slow-mixed oxidizer. Found to have adrenal burnout in the exhaustion stage. Has aluminum toxicity.

We started the slow oxidizer diet officially around the end of the first week of march (3/7-3/9-ish). We were able to process meat with no problems after not eating it for 10 months (E) and 12 months (L). Felt great after eating it. We have significantly increased our veggie intake through cooking and making "soupies" with the vita-mix as well.

We started the nutritional balancing supplements on 3/2/12. We were assigned the same aids with the exception of the glandulars. I suppose that would make sense considering we've eaten the exact same stuff for 4 years now. We were assigned: Megapan (for slow-metabolizers), Limcomin (for vitality level), Paramin (cal-mag), GB-3 (digestive aid), Acidophilus (digestive aid), Endo-Dren (E) and Ova-Adren (L). Each is taken 3 times a day.

E: The first dose of balancing supplements had a relaxing effect. The first week had many ups and downs - it would be up one day and down the next. We went for a hike on 3/13 and had an amazing time. For the first time in I don't know how long I felt extremely energetic and hopeful. I was thrown back to a past schema where I had much less worries. It was crazy and awesome and wonderful to feel that way again. Unfortunately, since then I've been mainly down. My thoughts are the supplements are causing "reality" to come forth - emotions that were suppressed. Sent me through some sort of emotional healing crisis that lasted for a few days. This is typical of a retracement/emotional crises. Tons of fantastic energy out of nowhere and then days of lower energy. The body had finally been able to accrue some energy and so it went about the task of releasing emotional toxicity. Today is the first day that I am feeling much better.

L: I didn't feel a thing the first week, or so I thought. Then I upped my dose of paramin due to menstrual cramps, and had night sweats, and bathroom every 5 minutes for an hour! wtf! Then, I backed it off... but then got waves of sadness/hopelessness. Now, I've felt sick for 3 days - flu like almost, but with energy accompanied. Slept 10 hours many nights, and today slept 1 hour... interesting. But I am finally feeling better today too. YAY! (E note: L has been going through many career changes as of late and so stress has been significant for the past few months).

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