Saturday, January 31, 2009

You push me, I pull you?

1/28: rest day

1/29: rest day

WOD 1/30: gorilla wod: snatch pulls
  • 95lbs x 10 reps x 1 set
  • 135lbs x 8 reps x 1 set
  • 155lbs x 7 reps x 1 set
  • 155lbs x 8 reps x 1 set
pretty good workout. settled on 155lbs again (like front squats).
155 seems to be the point where the bar starts actually feeling heavy again, so i decided to cap it off there. must ease the body back in. :)
i've also started to pattern my workouts after a push/pull that i alternate between push days and pull days (1 push, 1 pull, 1 push, 1 pull...). i may change this up, but it seems to be working for the time being.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

You could hang a coat on that rack!

1/26: rest day

WOD 1/27: gorilla wod: front squats
  • 95lbs x 12 reps x 1 set
  • 115lbs x 10 reps x 1 set
  • 135lbs x 8 reps x 1 set
  • 155lbs x 6 reps x 1 set
  • 135lbs x 8 reps x 1 set
happy with the workout. i haven't put that much weight on the bar in a long time (with the exception of deads). got the rack on w/no problem. form was on, everything was good. the 155lbs did feel heavy to me tho. gotta get back into it.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Gorilla to the rescue...?

1/24: rest day

WOD 1/25: gorilla wod: snatch
  • worked up to: snatch (full, squat) 80lbs x 1 rep x 2 sets
gorilla wods (workout of the day) are wods that l and i have designed for ourselves, based on a system of picking and choosing exercises and exercise methodologies from our pasts.
in other words, they are a culmination of what we consider some of the best exercises. we both have a systematic way in which we implement them, and they are very different, but seem to work best for our individual needs.
we both work out at a corporate gym now (don't even ask!), so all these exercises can be done at any gym out there.

l's typical wod template:
  • elliptical 20m
  • treadmill run 10m
  • treadmill walk uphill (incline=15, ~3.4mph) 10m total
  • treadmill intervals (sprint 30s, walk 50s) 10m total
  • rower 10m or spin bike 10m
  • olympic bar warmup:
  • - thrusters
  • - cleans & jerks
  • - deadlifts
  • - squats
  • air squats x 50 reps x 1 set
  • plyometrics 3-4 rounds of any of the following:
  • - jumping lunges elevated
  • - jump squats
  • - lateral jumps
  • - plyo pushups
  • - elevated pushups
  • - tuck jumps / box jumps
  • - burpees
  • - divebomber pushups
  • - clap pushups
  • stability ball pushups
  • pullups
  • knees2elbows/toes2bar
  • L-sits (occasionally)
  • planks / lateral planks
  • plyometrics 1 round
e's typical wod template:
  • joint mobility warmup 10m
  • rower 4m
  • olympic bar (45lbs) warmup:
  • - deadlift x 10 reps
  • - snatch pull x 10 reps
  • - back squat x 15 reps
  • - jump squat (bar - 1 inch) x 20 reps
  • - snatch balance x 7 reps
  • - push press / push jerk x 12-15 reps
  • - cleans (squat) x 8 reps
  • nautilus incline chest press (low weight) x 20 reps
  • nautilus shoulder press (low weight) x 20 reps
  • nautilus row (low weight) x 12 reps
  • plyometrics - 1-2 sets of:
  • - jumping lunges x 15-20 reps
  • - clap pushups x 10-15 reps
  • - jump squats x 10 reps
  • a focus on one of the following:
  • - 1.) one compound movement (powerlifting or oly exercise)
  • - 2.) olympic lifts (lightweight - plyo focus)
  • - 3.) plyometrics consisting of any of the following:
  • -----*- tuck jumps
  • -----*- box jumps
  • -----*- lateral jumps
  • -----*- fast feet
  • -----*- box plyo pushups
  • -----*- box plyo lateral pushups
  • -----*- elevated clap pushups
  • -----*- clap pullups
  • pullups/chinups
  • knees2elbows/toes2bar
  • dips (occasionally)
  • L-sits (occasionally)
  • nautilus machine of choice x 20 reps
  • stretching - 5-10m
so, i think from now on when i post, i'll just put up whatever focus i have for that workout day. i do all the other stuff each time i work out, so it's not worth mentioning every single time.
i'll keep going this way until i find another program to do...for now, i'm diggin my own methods. :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Boo Yea!

WOD 1/23: gorilla wod: deadlifts
  • 95lbs x 20 reps x 1 set
  • 135lbs x 20 x 1
  • 185lbs x 15 x 1
  • 205lbs x 12 x 1
it's been a hella long time.

thanks sizz for linking me to your blog, as it inspired me to throw up another post.

i haven't been doing any specific programs since my last post (9/24)!

i've basically designed my own program - which is to have fun! but i have incorporated some, if not all the elements from the past - i just do whatever the heck i want to do each day. it's kind of nice, as i've been locked into the crossfit/catalyst world for a long time.

i've also been stressing high reps (15-20) in all my exercises, as this is essentially the opposite of
the lifting i've done in the past (though crossfit of course incorporates this like no other). it's nice, because i'm hitting up some of the muscle fibers that have been neglected.

i am, however, slowly going back to low reps, heavy weight, as i've been doing high reps for 2-3 months, and i'm starting to hit a plateau.

i also have gotten heavy into plyo. i've discovered that, for mesomorphs (like moi!), plyo works wonders.