Saturday, January 24, 2009

Boo Yea!

WOD 1/23: gorilla wod: deadlifts
  • 95lbs x 20 reps x 1 set
  • 135lbs x 20 x 1
  • 185lbs x 15 x 1
  • 205lbs x 12 x 1
it's been a hella long time.

thanks sizz for linking me to your blog, as it inspired me to throw up another post.

i haven't been doing any specific programs since my last post (9/24)!

i've basically designed my own program - which is to have fun! but i have incorporated some, if not all the elements from the past - i just do whatever the heck i want to do each day. it's kind of nice, as i've been locked into the crossfit/catalyst world for a long time.

i've also been stressing high reps (15-20) in all my exercises, as this is essentially the opposite of
the lifting i've done in the past (though crossfit of course incorporates this like no other). it's nice, because i'm hitting up some of the muscle fibers that have been neglected.

i am, however, slowly going back to low reps, heavy weight, as i've been doing high reps for 2-3 months, and i'm starting to hit a plateau.

i also have gotten heavy into plyo. i've discovered that, for mesomorphs (like moi!), plyo works wonders.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dood! I'm so glad that you've updated! I seriously need to get motivated and start slow with something again. I got lazy. :( Any recommendations? I trust your expert training ideas. Love & miss you!

Yer big sizz:P