Saturday, November 28, 2009

Static Energy

WOD 11/17: static wod

today was a core static focus day.

WOD 11/20: e-squared wod

  • overhead squat 120lbs x 3 reps x 2 sets; 115lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets

yea that was a serious beat down - for me and liz. she ranged from 60-70lbs. we both got our asses handed to us.

part of that has to do with all the isometric work lately. but it is so worth it. i've been gaining some real functional usable strength.

WOD 11/22: static wod

today we focused on core and hanging isometric work. hanging and holding at 3 points in a pullup works extremely well.  also i've been getting notably better at core isometrics. this stuff is great.

WOD 11/25: e-squared wod

  • full squat clean 145lbs x 2 reps x 1 set; 155lbs x 2 reps x 4 sets

so stoked about these. the squat clean form came together perfectly with weight! left my feet - the whole nine. jumped it perfectly and caught it at the bottom. i think the core work has helped with strength - it felt easier to pull the weight in general. the clean has always been a weak movement for me as it relies on a lot of anterior muscle. the core isometric stuff has been addressing that - and it really carried over to dynamic movements. the clean being the perfect example of this.

WOD 11/26: hiking

a new thanksgiving tradition - go hiking at 9000 feet. we headed up to the summit of mt. lemmon and hiked the meadow trail and part of the wilderness of rocks trail. i'd say we did 2.5-3.0 miles or so. was a nice refreshing thanksgiving hike.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Corely isometrics

WOD 11/13: e-squared wod
  • thruster 85lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
focused on core and hanging isometrics. i think this is stimulating new muscle growth - already. back knots are a bit iffy tho - not sure if its related.

WOD 11/15: e-squared wod
  • push press 95lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
last ease in workout. focused mainly on core isometrics today.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

settin on the sunset

WOD 11/10: e-squared wod
  • deadlift 175lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
an ease in wod. we also concentrated on many isometric moves. a lot of hanging isometrimia, coupled with different forms of core holds. i'm lovin this stuff! testosterone has kicked into high gear. wow. next week i'm going to integrate static strength into the actual wods. this should be super fun.

WOD 11/11: hiking

today we headed out to mt. lemmon and conquered the sunset trail. was absolutely beautiful - view of the valley below at 8000 feet - amazing. we came upon gigantic rock formations and a flowing stream. all in all, we covered ~4 miles. the return hike had a general elevation gain so again - got the workout in :)

Monday, November 09, 2009


WOD 11/7: static wod

well, we are officially "done" with our rest week.

today liz showed me some core exercises. we mainly focused on different "holds" using the core. this is also called isometric, or static strength training. i have only a small amount of experience with this type of training - mainly from L-sits, front planks, L-pull ups, tuck pull ups, and holding the bottom position of a dip.

i have decided that my core needs work - it seems to be the weak link in the chain, oddly enough. i never really worked the core specifically - so of course anything to do with "abs" or vanity i ignored, ha - and now i have to focus on it because i'm convinced that it is causing my big lifts to stall. in doing so - i think full body isometric training is the best way to build the anterior core.

Monday, November 02, 2009

happy trails to you

WOD 11/1: hiking

today we went hiking at mt. lemmon. we took the mt. lemmon trail about 1.7 miles in for a round trip of ~3.5 miles. we stopped about 1/4 miles from where the sutherland trail intersected. was a beautiful day for a hike. the hike back up ascended over 800ft of elevation - we barely stopped on the way back. had a really good time and got a really good workout in.