Monday, November 09, 2009


WOD 11/7: static wod

well, we are officially "done" with our rest week.

today liz showed me some core exercises. we mainly focused on different "holds" using the core. this is also called isometric, or static strength training. i have only a small amount of experience with this type of training - mainly from L-sits, front planks, L-pull ups, tuck pull ups, and holding the bottom position of a dip.

i have decided that my core needs work - it seems to be the weak link in the chain, oddly enough. i never really worked the core specifically - so of course anything to do with "abs" or vanity i ignored, ha - and now i have to focus on it because i'm convinced that it is causing my big lifts to stall. in doing so - i think full body isometric training is the best way to build the anterior core.

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