Thursday, November 12, 2009

settin on the sunset

WOD 11/10: e-squared wod
  • deadlift 175lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
an ease in wod. we also concentrated on many isometric moves. a lot of hanging isometrimia, coupled with different forms of core holds. i'm lovin this stuff! testosterone has kicked into high gear. wow. next week i'm going to integrate static strength into the actual wods. this should be super fun.

WOD 11/11: hiking

today we headed out to mt. lemmon and conquered the sunset trail. was absolutely beautiful - view of the valley below at 8000 feet - amazing. we came upon gigantic rock formations and a flowing stream. all in all, we covered ~4 miles. the return hike had a general elevation gain so again - got the workout in :)

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