Friday, October 12, 2007

3 Bars of Death - thank ya!

WOD 10/11: Linda aka "3 Bars of Death"
  • deadlift 255lbs 30 reps
  • clean 135lbs 30 reps
  • standing press 145lbs 3 reps; 135lbs 27 reps
yea...this one took 50min. yea....that's 50. not 15. 50. yea.......50min. and the even more pathetic part? this was at 50% of the load. well, technically 60% or so but whatever.

modified it a bit due to gym being busy (as usual), so subbed in standing press for bench press. i think this might have been a mistake...ha. my lower back took a serious beating. astronomical beating. i can see where lying down on a bench instead of pressing weight upwards would be a much better choice for this workout. HA! of course i had to sub in the standing press. of course!

i am truly

ladies and gentlemen, we have only one word for today: DOMS!

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