Monday, October 29, 2007

R-E-S-T find out what it means to me...

Good to be back.

WOD 10/27: squat clean
  • 95lbs x 6 reps
  • 135lbs x 3
  • 145 x 1
  • 155 x 1
  • 160 x 1
  • 165 x 1 (fail)
followed up with: clean & jerk 135lbs x 5 reps
previous clean PR is 170lbs - mentally couldn't get into it enough to pull off new PR

WOD 10/28:

  • dips x 50 reps;
  • sprint 2min on elliptical
  • 50 pushups
  • sprint 2min on elliptical
  • shoulder press 75lbs x 50 reps
  • sprint 2min on elliptical

completed in 23min.

i took 1.5 weeks off doing really anything strenuous. i came to the point where i really needed it, both mentally and physically. the b situation has taken more of a toll on me than i had originally thought. i'm still reeling from it. i keep saying to myself...

what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger

this is tough. straight up.

however, i've come back with a bit of a different perspective.

for one, i've realized that i'm not in any sort of competition. meaning...i can scale the wod's back a bit and feel ok with that. as much as i love crossfit, and as many positive things that have come forth from it, i still have literally beaten the crap out of my body.

don't get me wrong...i love beating the sh*t out of myself. but it becomes a problem if the compounding negative aspects of that start outweighing the positive aspects. consequences.

for two, i am putting forth an effort to try not to be so hard on myself. i've been learning that maintaining a balance seems to be key to so much in life.

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