Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Muscles and what they mean to you?

WOD 10/29: With a continuously running clock do one pull-up
the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third
minute... continuing as long as you are able.

got to 9 rounds doing strict pullups (45 pullups total in 9min)

finished up with a 5x5 back squat:
  • 135lbs x 5 reps
  • 185 x 5
  • 225 x 5
  • 275 x 5
  • 295 x 5

all squats done below parallel, basically a2a with the exception of the last couple reps on the last set - they were below parallel but not a2a - still pleased with my performance, however.

i was incredibly sore from the previous day's workout, hehe. the type of sore where two aspirins (or whatever the hell i took) didn't do anything at all...nothing. nada. zip. zero. and of course i was sore in the chest/triceps/lats/shoulders making pullups extra fun :)

oh and i started taking an actual supplement: fish oil. i had taken it years ago but couldn't get over the fishy repeat/burps lol. this time i found coated capsules and haven't had that at all. i think they've had a noticeable possitive effect on my mood. they have so many benefits it's not even funny.

that and i don't think i was warmed up enough.
continuing on with my previous post, i decided last night that i've been A.) way too hard on myself and B.) caught up in getting better times/weights way too much. it started to take the actual "fun" out of exercise. i'm going to put some effort forth into lightening up on myself and putting the fun back into it. of course i'm still competitive and that will not change, but i need to continually put things in perspective. i have years to ascend to the fitness level of some of the top athletes out there. it's not going to come in under a year...so take it easy. :)

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