Monday, March 23, 2009

These old bones are movin again...

WOD 3/22: catalyst wod
  • squat clean (full->hang->mid-hang) 115lbs x 1 rep (3 total reps) x 3 sets
  • push jerk -> split jerk 95lbs x 1 rep (2 total reps) x 1 set
  • push jerk -> split jerk 115lbs x 1 rep (2 total reps) x 1 set
  • push jerk -> split jerk 125lbs x 1 rep (2 total reps) x 1 set
  • push jerk -> split jerk 135lbs x 1 rep (2 total reps) x 1 set

the shoulders were feelin it and 135 went up w/o problems!

so hopefully i haven't "lost" my strength from doing low weight high reps for the last 6 months - i think this shows that it's still there. i had been doubting that i could but the old body impresses me again.

it's now time to get it on.

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