Monday, July 13, 2009

e-squared - ya heard?

WOD 7/12: e-squared wod
  • full squat clean 135lbs x 5 reps x 3 sets
  • hang power clean 135lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets
so i went ahead and designed my own wod program. this mainly occurred because we workout at a globo gym and is extremely difficult to do any kind of olympic lifting. the catalyst wod is awesome but at the same time, driving us both mad. ppl at globo gyms, for the most part, have no clue what oly lifting is and are apt to exhibit this on a minute-by-minute basis (walking behind us, odd dirty looks, standing next to us and gabbing, etc).

obviously we can't change the ppl, nor the policies of the globo gym, which puts more effort into roping new suckers (err...ppl) into the gym than actually having a quality training center.

i know i'm complaining - so one might think - why are you at a globo gym anyway? well - it suits us for the moment (cheap $$$) and we are in our temporary local of tucson and really don't have the option of buying our own equipment.

thus, we have decided to build up strength like nobody's business. we are also perfecting the forms and techniques of our various exercises.

i won't bother posting the wod template - as it's ours damnit and no one will steal it!!!!! hardy-har-har. however, one can derive the template by simply being good mountain gorillas and paying attention to the posts.

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