Monday, July 20, 2009

pie tastes good - serve humbled please

WOD 7/17: detox wod

well, the past couple weeks have been interesting. the wod from 7/12 beat my joints into submission - my right knee, right elbow and left wrist were all telling me how generally displeased they were. i totally did not expect this - until i realized that i went way too hard in that wod. we had hiked the previous day and had been in the process of a break - so these things, combined with 3 months of heavy lifting, had taken their toll.

we have also been experimenting with other "diets". the lion diet didn't seem to work out. so for the past couple weeks we have been "IF'ing" or intermittent fasting. despite my injured joints, it has been working pretty well so far. the detox from the fast has been helping out - making us both healthier. we think this is where we currently need to concentrate our energies.

WOD 7/19: e-squared wod
  • push press 115lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
  • press 95lbs x 3 reps x 2 sets
eased back into the wod routine. emphasis on "ease" - which is precisely what i did not do back on 7/12. the right knee has been banged up for the past week and it is finally now getting better. wrist and elbow have been doing much better in general. i will continue easing in on the next wod. hrmph - just when my head begins to get big, i get roped back in and served a piece of humble pie. hrmph.

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