Friday, November 02, 2007

Scaling and Feeling Bettering

10/30: rest day

WOD 10/31: overhead squats
  • 95lbs x 5 reps
  • 105 x 5
  • 115 x 5
  • 120 x 5
  • 125 x 5

followed up with tuck pullups 5x5 (switched grips from supinated to pronated)

i felt satisfied at the end of this workout. i had been avoiding, for some unknown reason, oh squats for a while and im glad that i did them.

they really are a fantastic exercise...kicks the testosterone in like whoa.

WOD 11/1: "Diane"
  • deadlift 185lbs x 21 reps;
  • elevated pushups (feet on 2.5ft bar) x 21 reps;
  • dl 185 x 15;
  • elevated pushups x 15;
  • dl 185 x 9;
  • elevated pushups x 9
time to complete: ~6min 30sec

i scaled this one back because the last time i did it as rx'd it handed me a serious serious serious beatdown. plus i've been trying to get my nutrition down and my cns really does not need a rx'd diane decimation.

however, i was extremely happy with my performance. i'm employing the philosophy to not be so hard on myself. but the funny part is, i pretty much collapsed on the floor in front of the squat rack. i haven't done that in quite some time...such a great feeling. but i'm not so destroyed that i can't walk fact i feel damn good and light on my feet. and i'm stoked about finding out what today's workout is. YES! i'm rediscovering the fun in fitness...:)

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