Thursday, September 18, 2008

We create our realities - now do it!

9/16: rest day

WOD 9/17: apk wod

3 rounds (not for time, with 1:30 break btwn rounds) of:
  • elevated pushups (60deg) x 5
  • elevated clap pushups (60deg) x 5
  • pistols x 10 (5 each leg)
  • jumping air squats x 10
  • L-pullups x 5
  • clap pullups x 5
this was my first american parkour wod!

i decided to change things up and to start doing a different program.

catalyst had performed it's role well - it significantly increased my overall strength. it also helped to drill the olympic lifts home for me. i am now much more confident in all components of oly lifting.

oly lifting gives you a serious neurological beat down. however, the benefits of said beat down are well worth it. your coordination, agility, balance, full body awareness, etc increases to a level you didn't even know you could attain.

i am also a lot more powerful in general than i had been before i started catalyst. in other words, my power, or ability to transfer a ton of energy extremely effectively, accurately, and quickly onto a focused target has become greater on an exponential level.

but alas! i am glad that i switched my program up. liz and i decided that the climate and the stage in life we reside in has a huge bearing on what type of workout program we choose to do. i'm starting graduate school next semester, so i need a program that doesn't neurologically wipe me out as much as catalyst. i'm hoping that the american parkour wod can be a program that will continue to increase my neurological effectiveness. but we also feel that it will create a stronger sense of well being in both of us (as she is doing it now too! :)).

and, we will be getting out of the gym environment more. a lot of these can be done in a park or on a hiking trail. this will in turn give us a reason to explore the environment - and that in itself can bring benefits not found in the sweaty depths of a gym.

total reps: pushups x 30 + pistols x 30 + squats x 30 + pullups x 30 = 120 total reps

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