Thursday, October 15, 2009

Can you love a dead lift?

WOD 10/14: e-squared wod
  • deadlift 185lbs x 4 reps x 3 sets
  • straight-legged deadlift 185lbs x 4 reps x 2 sets
the last of the ease in wods. as we like to say - we *love* the deadlift.

food update: we are still IF'ing - but we're trying to find a good balance for it. i have scaled back some of my fast days to a 12 hour fast, instead of the 16 i had been doing.

we've changed the technique we use to break the fast. we had found that many times, after a long 16+hr fast, we would break the fast using a meal too dense in calories. so now we are breaking it with small pieces of fruit and veggies. we then eat our normal meal 2-3 hours after we initially break it.

i'm wondering if the once a week 24 hour fast and then perhaps two 12-16 hr fast days would be sufficient? or should we continue the 12+ hr fasts everyday?

we have been slowly converting over to eating as much organic foods as we can as well - we're also eating a lot more organic produce lately.

we've been using apple cider vinegar as well. i regularly use it to cook with and lately we've been adding 2-3 tspns per 16oz water. we both love it.

we are also changing the oils we use. we are going to convert over to almost strictly coconut oil. we can also use extra virgin olive oil. coconut oil is used by the body for energy right away. the medium chain fatty acids are easy to digest and speed up metabolism because they are more easily exchanged from one cell to another. it also has a myriad of other benefits. but essentially it is a fuel for the body that does not trigger insulin and does not take lipoproteins and digestive enzymes to process.

we have decided to kick the nuts (no pun intended!) and seeds out of the diet. that is starting today basically. i have a feeling that unsaturated fats (mainly polyunsaturated) are not doing us any favors. in fact they may be hindering progress. so bye bye for now and we will see what happens.

we will be ordering grass-fed organic beef as well. are saturated fats really where its at? obviously certain types (like coconut). but animal proteins as well? somehow i wouldn't doubt it. mainstream western culture might have f'd us again.

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