Monday, October 19, 2009

Holy Oly!

WOD 10/16: e-squared wod
  • push jerk 135lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
  • split jerk 135lbs x 3 reps x 2 sets
this week is the start of "olympic week".

WOD 10/18: e-squared wod
  • hang power clean 135lbs x 3 reps x 2 sets
  • full squat clean 135lbs x 3 reps x 3 sets
another oly wod. when was the last time we did cleans? on 8/7 and then 7/12. who says all the same moves get boring? it's all about the art of shuffling.

so a couple interesting notes from the weekend. for one - liz underwent a "healing crisis". we had recently (a few days ago) decided that she might have hypothyroid. so on that premise, we eliminated as many unsaturated (poly mainly) fats from our diet. the results have been fantastic. however, the healing crisis occurred on saturday night. there must have been a huge toxic dump into the bloodstream - her temp went up and down (from 98 to 100) and felt like her "world was collapsing"! fortunately tho, it is now monday and she is fine. she was completely fine on sunday morning as well. in fact, better than fine - great!

also, i had been eating candy all week long. this is highly unusual - but liz had brought home some candy from class and of course i had to sacrifice myself and eat it. i budgeted 1 small piece of halloween candy each night. this must have gone on for 5 days or so. saturday night i finished it off with two reeses peanut butter cups. god they were good - and after the first one - i absolutely had to eat the second. it was nagging and nagging at me until every last crumb had been guzzled down.

however - sunday morning i woke up with the *worst* toxin related feeling in my stomach. i mean this felt like it was coming from the pit of hell. i then proceeded to act like a complete asshole all morning. it wasn't until after the gym that i felt better. unfortunately "it" started picking up again sunday night and i was acting asshole-ish yet again.

liz then told me that she had been observing this pattern for the entire last week and i wasn't myself the days after i had had the candy. the week before i had been cheery every day. this past week i had no creativity, no positive outlook and was operating at an entirely lower vibe.

granted i'm not always lollipops and whatever - but i've been going through a "cleansing" of sorts for months now and in general my outlook on life has gotten a lot better. the shitty fog had been lifted - until this candy incident. it came back in full force. all i can say is wow - who knew a little innocent candy could fuck a person up this badly. i have this feeling - am i going to become a food addiction specialist?

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