Wednesday, October 28, 2009

wait what?

WOD 10/27: e-squared wod
  • jumping squat 275lbs x 2 reps x 5 sets
oh wow yea. what a way to end the month set. that was some serious "T" making stuff. somehow i feel stronger even thinking about what we did. 275lbs on my back and hopping up and down? what?

this completes the first half of the LE WOD template (well, this upcoming week is cardio week). we may take a long intermission and switch to a different routine. i've discovered that the weak link in my chain is actually my abs. the one muscle group that everyone trains - i'm weak in. of course. so, i may subject myself to some Liz style core workouts. looks like it may be time for the gorilla to eat a slice of humble pie.

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