Monday, March 02, 2009

Deadlifts = can't sit down!

WOD 2/27: gorilla wod: deadlifts & cleans
  • deadlift 95lbs x 20 reps x 1 set
  • deadlift 115lbs x 20 reps x 1 set
  • deadlift 135lbs x 25 reps x 1 set
  • clean (full,squat) 95lbs x 5 reps x 1 set
  • clean 95lbs x 5 reps x 1 set

it was a sunday - not too busy so i finally got to the rack. i proceeded to surprise myself with the final deadlift set - but i've been soooooore ever since. the kind of sore where you can barely bend over or do anything too mobile, lol. sore to the touch. it even hurt to sit down because my ass as sore to the touch!

WOD 3/1: gorilla wod: plyo/template

yet another plyo day.

had to take it easy from all the deadlifts from 2/27...was still extremely sore.

technically, though, i've been following my template, but leaving out the focus and adding a few basic plyo movements in.

1 comment:

Yas said... put my workout to shame. But my butt thinks it did your same workout I do believe (according to the last sit down report that I received). LOL

OK...I'm working on increasing weight next time a little I think. Wish me luck. And send me a craftmatic adjustable toilet seat if you see one. My butt would be grateful. :P

Miss you! Tell Liz I said hi!