Monday, March 31, 2008

In Preperation for Mountain Biking...

3/27: rest day

WOD 3/28: split jerks 3 x 5
  • 135lbsx 5 reps
  • 155 x 3
  • 165 x 3
  • 175 x 3
  • 185 x 3 - PR!!! (w/good form!)
  • 190 x 2 - PR!!!!!
destroyed this! i threw the weight up w/authority. each rep. i surprised the shiz out of myself actually. :)

WOD 3/29: spin class w/liz :)

tried out a spin class for the first time. :)

it was one of liz's courses. it was great! aerobic mixed w/a lot of anaerobic. it simulated a good amount of hill climbing on a mountain bike. it's actually great training for this spring. liz's teaching is no joke! my legs were toasted after the class. actually felt like i came back from mountain biking. there were times where i really had to keep pushing.

it was my first time on a spin bike, so i had to acclimate myself to it. the resistance dials definitely have a learning curve associated w/them. she would say "adjust to your n", where n would be a number from 1-10 in resistance. so i essentially had to "find" my resistances.

time: 1 hour

Friday, March 28, 2008

Dead. Literally.

WOD 3/26: deadlift 5x5
  • 225lbs x 5
  • 275 x 5
  • 275 x 5
  • 225 x 7
my ipod died on me so i called it a day early. i'm def still feeling it! lower back/traps/deltoids are beat. whoo!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Barbie? That blonde bizzle...

3/24: rest day

WOD 3/25: barbara (mod'd)
5 rounds for time (with 3min breaks between rounds) of:
  • pullups x 15 (strict)
  • elevated pushups (3ft) x 25
  • hanging knees2elbows x 15 reps (10 reps for the last 2 rounds)
  • squats (air) x 50 reps
round 1: ~3m30s
round 2 (forgot to time)
round 3: ~6m30s
round 4:~6m10s
round 5:~6m15s

total time: ~28min (including breaks - ~40min total)
total reps: pullups x 75; pushups x 125; k2e x 65; squats x 250
515 total reps

that completely decimated me!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Jerky Cleany

3/21: rest day

WOD 3/22:

For time:
  • elevated pushups (3ft) x 23
  • L-pullups x 1
  • elevated pushups x 19
  • L-pullups x 3
  • elevated pushups x 16
  • L-pullups x 5
  • elevated pushups x 13
  • L-pullups x 7
  • elevated pushups x 10
  • L-pullups x 9
  • elevated pushups x 7
  • L-pullups x 11
  • elevated pushups x 4
  • L-pullups x 13
  • elevated pushups x 1
  • L-pullups x 15
total: elevated pushups (3ft) x 93 reps; L-pullups x 64 (157 total reps)
time to complete: 14m27s

WOD 3/23: clean and jerk
  • 135lbs x 3 reps
  • 145 x 3
  • 155 x 3
  • 160 x 3
  • 165 x 1, 1, 1
  • 170 x 1 - ties previous PR!

Friday, March 21, 2008

95lbs of death - yes, i made that up

WOD 3/16: nicole (mod'd)

As many rounds as you can in 20m of:
  • pullups (max reps)
  • lunges/squats - 40 reps (alternating)
9 rounds completed.
~65-70 pullups; 180 squats; 180 lunges.

3/17: rest day

3/18: rest day

WOD 3/19: push jerks/push presses
  • push jerk 135lbs x 5
  • push press 135lbs x 5
  • push jerk 145 x 3
  • push jerk 155 x 3
  • push jerk 165 x 3
  • push press 175 x 3
  • push press 185 x 1.5
(also did a bunch of squats and lunges btwn sets)

WOD 3/20: 95lbs of death

3 rounds for time of:
  • overhead squats 95 lbs x 10 reps
  • elevated pushups (3ft) x 10 reps
  • thruster 95 lbs x 10 reps
didn't get the time, but i think ~15min.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Back from rest week and a half...

WOD 3/15: snatch 1-1-1-1
  • snatch 105lbs x 1
  • snatch 115lbs x 1
  • snatch 125lbs x 1
  • snatch 130lbs x 1 - PR
also did pullups (strict) x 19 - PR!!!

great gym session. felt rested and ready to go. was going to go for a 135lbs snatch but decided not to - too many ppl in the gym to drop the weight.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Rest week, thank you God.

3/5: start of a welllllllllll deserved rest week. it looks like the last time i took a full rest week was back in october....from 10/16 to 10/26. i verified with liz that i haven't taken one since. in fact, i haven't taken more than 2 consecutive days off, and that was only because i was sick. so yea...i'm wayyyyyyy overdue. i might even taken a week and a half off. i think i need it. :)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

i know i'm ultra lazy!

WOD 3/2: Angie

  • 50 pullups (strict)
  • 100 pushups
  • 100 situps
  • 100 air squats
total reps: 350

time to complete: 17m30s

WOD 3/3: Linda aka 3 bars of death (2/3 done)

  • deadlift 205lbs x 10
  • press (overhead) 135lbs x 10
  • clean 135lbs x 10
  • dl 205 x 8
  • press 115 x 8
  • clean 115 x 8
  • dl 205 x 6
  • press 115 x 6
  • clean 115 x 6
  • dl 205 x 4
  • press 115 x 4
  • clean 115 x 4
  • dl 205 x 3
  • press 115 x 3
  • clean 115 x 3
time to complete: 37m

reps: 31 of the triplet (93 total reps)

ouch is all i have to say!!!

WOD 3/4: Filthy Fifty (mod'd)

  • lunges - 50
  • clap pushups - 50
  • situps - 50
  • dips - 50
  • deadlifts (45lbs) - 50
  • push presses (45lbs) - 50
  • squat jumps (45lbs) - 50
  • cleans (45lbs) - 50
  • thrusters (45lbs) - 50
  • back extensions - 50
total reps: 500

time to complete: 35m51s

i think i finished my last half week on 2/11.

so i put this up partially to figure out my next 1/2 week, lol. but i need to start doing this again!!! either way my body is def feeling one...