Friday, March 21, 2008

95lbs of death - yes, i made that up

WOD 3/16: nicole (mod'd)

As many rounds as you can in 20m of:
  • pullups (max reps)
  • lunges/squats - 40 reps (alternating)
9 rounds completed.
~65-70 pullups; 180 squats; 180 lunges.

3/17: rest day

3/18: rest day

WOD 3/19: push jerks/push presses
  • push jerk 135lbs x 5
  • push press 135lbs x 5
  • push jerk 145 x 3
  • push jerk 155 x 3
  • push jerk 165 x 3
  • push press 175 x 3
  • push press 185 x 1.5
(also did a bunch of squats and lunges btwn sets)

WOD 3/20: 95lbs of death

3 rounds for time of:
  • overhead squats 95 lbs x 10 reps
  • elevated pushups (3ft) x 10 reps
  • thruster 95 lbs x 10 reps
didn't get the time, but i think ~15min.

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