Monday, March 31, 2008

In Preperation for Mountain Biking...

3/27: rest day

WOD 3/28: split jerks 3 x 5
  • 135lbsx 5 reps
  • 155 x 3
  • 165 x 3
  • 175 x 3
  • 185 x 3 - PR!!! (w/good form!)
  • 190 x 2 - PR!!!!!
destroyed this! i threw the weight up w/authority. each rep. i surprised the shiz out of myself actually. :)

WOD 3/29: spin class w/liz :)

tried out a spin class for the first time. :)

it was one of liz's courses. it was great! aerobic mixed w/a lot of anaerobic. it simulated a good amount of hill climbing on a mountain bike. it's actually great training for this spring. liz's teaching is no joke! my legs were toasted after the class. actually felt like i came back from mountain biking. there were times where i really had to keep pushing.

it was my first time on a spin bike, so i had to acclimate myself to it. the resistance dials definitely have a learning curve associated w/them. she would say "adjust to your n", where n would be a number from 1-10 in resistance. so i essentially had to "find" my resistances.

time: 1 hour

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