Monday, August 04, 2008

Back and better than ever!

7/30: rest day

7/31: rest day

8/1: rest day

8/2: rest day

WOD 8/3: skill work

worked on all forms of cleans, jerks, presses, squats, snatches, deadlifts etc with the bar only (45lbs). have to get the body back into it.

we found a new gym!!!

this gym is great. it has a specific HIT room that has monkey bars, jump ropes, kettlebells, an actual lifting pad with...bumper plates!, a GHD machine, bands, farmer walk implements, etc etc etc. liz already got a job there so we are in, like flynn, as they might say? i can finally drop the weights and it's fine! they also have chalk! yay! how many times did i complain about that?

plus, we are finding that the higher elevation, in combination with the monsoon season (it is humid!) are making an interesting time of working out. once we get back into shape, we'll see how we take to it...

time: 1hr

WOD 8/4:
skill work

more getting my body reacclimated with working out. did the same thing as yesterday, but worked up to c&j's with 115lbs and snatches (squat) with 95lbs.

i also tried a box jump for the first time, and learned how fabulous those are. took the highest box (upper thigh level) and hopped on and off w/no probs.

i used the GHD machine for the first time as well, and that is awesome. that thing just took situps and put them on an entirely new level of pain. whoo!

time: 1hr

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