Friday, August 08, 2008

Wall Balls anyone?

WOD 8/5: skill work

even more skill work and getting my body acclimated. worked up to c&j's w/115lbs and snatches w/95lbs again. also messed around with wall balls and such.

time: 1hr

8/6: rest day

8/7: rest day

WOD 8/8: karen

150 wall balls for time w/20lbs medicine ball...throwing to a "target" ~7-8ft in height (to the top of the monkey bars).

felt pretty good doing this one. my first crossfit metcon in a couple months or so? my legs feel like jelly right now. i also left a sweat angel on the floor. yow!

i also fooled around with kb's and tried some kb push presses w/20lbs and 30lbs kb's. awesome! def going to work these in for the future!

completed in: 8m52s

1 comment:

blueavitar said...

nice man.. good for you