Wednesday, September 24, 2008

To feel like a kid again...

9/18: rest day

9/19: rest day

WOD 9/20: apk wod margaret (cindy's ugly cousin!)

As many rounds in 20m of:
  • L-pullups x 5
  • divebomber pushups x 10
  • jump air squats x 15
total rounds completed: 8

good god!!! this wod about killed me! i hadn't done a metcon like this in a long time. the catalyst metcons are similar, but they generally last ~10m. i hit a wall after the 5th round, and so the last 3 rounds were killer! i was literally crawling on the floor in a pool of sweat. i tried to pace myself from the get-go but it didn't work too well :)

the divebomber pushups are no joke! first time i've ever done them, and they slowed me down considerably. i see their direct application to parkour tho so i think they are great. what a gasser all around tho. that margaret...she is evil!!!

9/21: rest day

WOD 9/22: basketball and playing in the park

so liz and i decided that we wanted to do the wod outside today. we headed down to jacob's park in the north side. what a great park! it's ~5 acres so we were able to walk around it to warm up. they also have a pretty nice playground that is covered with canopies so that the children can play w/o dying of heat exhaustion. :)

we ended up playing basketball for ~45m or so. we were mainly shooting, doing layups, and running after the ball. it was fun and we got breathing pretty hard, especially out in the sun. we then played in the playground. i practiced two-handed vaults, jumps, etc. we also tried some dips and L-sits.

time: 1hr30m

9/23: rest day

WOD 9/24: parkour practice

i headed back down to jacob's park for some parkour practice. it was fun to workout in the park. gave me a different perspective.

i warmed up under the shade of a pine tree. it was sort of odd, as there were a couple homeless people on either side of me (~50m or so away). maybe i inspired them? lol. they prolly just thought i was some crazy white boy.

i did pullups, L-sits, dips, etc. i also practiced a lot of jumps off picnic tables, over benches, etc. i finished up with a few two-handed vaults. i also walked around the park a couple times. i basically jumped off anything i could see. :) there were a couple children playing on the swingset beside me as i did some L-sits on top of the monkey bars. it was so funny...they didn't say a word, as if i was just one of them. i expected them to point at me or what not, but they were in their own little world. i felt like a kid again. :)

time: 1hr30m


stylelicious said...

woot! I'm so proud of you! You're doing an amazing job. I'm just working on getting my stamina back again after taking too long a hiatus in my workouts. Dance as you know is still my passion for feeling like a kid. Heck, who's to say that we aren't? :P

Love you!

stylelicious said...

I can't believe that you are doing parkour! I remember checking that out on youtube a few years back and being amazed! I'm so proud of you!