Thursday, August 06, 2009

Back - and better than ever?!

WOD 7/26: e-squared wod
  • overhead squat 95lbs x 5 reps x 4 sets
followed up with a bunch of compound bar work (thrusters, push presses, full squat cleans)

this was a great workout to do before the trip. it wraps up the last couple weeks and provides a more than adequate neurological workout before the trip home.

WOD 8/2: hiking

we were back home for the week visiting everyone and had a great time. we did a short hike in the cadwell forest. we went up the main path until it intersected with the m&m trail. i estimate we walked a good 2.5-3 miles. we saw the moth shack and i showed liz the stream where water runs under the ice in winter. the water was so high - there were "ponds" on either side of the trail that have never been there before. it has been raining like crazy in mass for months!

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