Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Prophecy and Synchronicity

WOD 8/25: e-squared wod
  • snatch push press 105lbs x 5 reps x 4 sets
so i scheduled myself a test to become an acsm personal trainer. i'm finally ready to give it a try. i see now so many reasons to do it. if i could impart some of my accrued knowledge and actually help someone - it would be fantastic.

as i've come to and strength are the foundation of a good and quality life. in a society that is severely lacking in both domains - perhaps i could - in a small way - effect a change.

imagine if i could help someone realize the potential of their bodies? could i elicit that inner athlete that has been hidden for so many years - since childhood?

even more - could i help a person catch a glimpse of that long sought after fountain of youth?

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