Wednesday, September 02, 2009

No power walking for us!

WOD 8/28: e-squared wod
  • snatch pull 155lbs x 5 reps x 4 sets
i liked the way i set this up - snatch push press and two days later - snatch pull. nice little couplet.

WOD 8/30: e-squared wod
  • front lunges 95lbs x 6 reps x 4 sets
this is the first time that we've done front lunges with weight. this is a must do exercise. the individual legs get blasted. we went up to 6 reps so that each leg would get 3 reps.

WOD 9/1: e-squared wod
  • jumping squat 185lbs x 5 reps x 4 sets
great combo plyo/barbell exercise. builds the "T" like whoa. also a great ending workout to lead into the next week - which is cardio week *says with dread*!

i built one cardio week a month into the template. there were a few reasons for this. first of course it is nice to get a break from our standard exercising. even with the ramp-up template - it still takes a toll.
second, it gets us out of the gym environment. that in itself can be a relief. breaks from the gym are good for the mind.
third, cardio still has its place. so while this can be interpreted as a recovery week - we still must get our 3 standard workouts in. these will simply be cardio workouts. even if its walking to school and back (~3 miles) - it counts as a workout for our purposes. there really is no reason to do intense cardio - at least at this time while we are working on gaining strength. in fact - intense cardio may slow the recovery process. easy walking it is!

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