Friday, May 30, 2008

Just one of those days....

5/28: rest day

WOD 5/29: overhead squats
  • 95lbs x 5 reps
  • 105 x 5
  • 115 x 3
  • 115 x 4
  • 120 x 2
well it wasn't my day in the gym, but these things happen. also, i havent done heavy oh's in well over two months...or more. i noticed that i was shaky even on 95lbs, so my body just wasn't havin it. oh well, i still somewhat pushed thru (w/o dropping the bar in the globogym :)) and called it a day.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Get em up there?

5/27: split jerks
  • 135lbs x 5 reps
  • 145 x 5
  • 155 x 5
  • 165 x 5
  • 175 x 5
  • 185 x 2
this was a fitting end to a a nice 3-day set. all the reps felt decent. form was a bit sloppy tho. should have worked on it a bit more with just the bar prior to starting the work sets.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

To Grandmother's house we go...

WOD 5/23:

For time:
21 L-pull-ups
20 One legged squats, alternating legs
18 L-pull-ups
16 One legged squats, alternating legs
15 L-pull-ups
12 One legged squats, alternating legs
12 L-pull-ups
8 One legged squats, alternating legs

completed in: 15m35s
total reps: L-pullups x 66; pistols x 56 reps = 122 total reps

whoo, this was fun. i was busting the l-pullups out in singles by the time the 3rd set came around. my right weaker leg was fun as well on the pistols, but i only lost my balance maybe 3 times...a big improvement over my last attempt at them.

5/24: rest day

WOD 5/25: hiked for 3 hours on m&m from the north leverett coop to i'd estimate about mid-way into the wendell state forest. didn't make it to ruggles pond but we had to have hiked about 4-5 miles in. all in all we hiked ~8-9 miles.

WOD 5/26: snatches (power)
  • 95lbs x 5 reps
  • 105 x 5
  • 115 x 5
  • 120 x 5
  • 125 x 5
  • 135 x 1
  • 140 x 1 - PR!!!!!
i taught liz the snatch and she loves it. it's a great thing to have someone validate your opinion on an exercise. felt strong enough to tie the PR, and then break it.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Why do i do this stuff?

WOD 5/22:
  • deadlift 275lbs x 3 reps
  • pushups elevated (3ft) x 40 reps
  • deadlift 275 x 3
  • pushups elevated x 35
  • deadlift 275 x 3
  • pushups elevated x 30
  • deadlift 275 x 3
  • pushups elevated x 25
  • deadlift 275 x 3
  • pushups elevated x 20
total reps: deadlift x 15; pushups elevated x 150 = 165 total reps

the workout wasn't timed. i took a 1:30-2m break between rounds (dl and pushups were 1 round). this was a nasty duet. i went from deads right to pushups. what a contract. by the 4th round i was completely dreading the dead. it just wiped me the hell out. wowzers.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Technique, Young Jedi

5/20: rest day

WOD 5/21: front squats
  • 135lbs x 6 reps
  • 185 x 4
  • 225 x 5 - PR!!!
  • 240 x 2 - PR!!!
  • 225 x 3
felt pretty good to set a couple PR's. now that i have finally figured the rack position out, it is so nice to front squat. i've been missing out for a long time. this is another great exercise when performed correctly.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I wanna make a virus...

5/9: rest day - lil sis grad

rest day - lil sis grad

5/11: rest day - lil sis grad

5/12: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

5/13: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

5/14: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

5/15: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

5/16: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

WOD 5/17: push press
  • 135lbs x 5 reps
  • 145 x 3
  • 155 x 2
finished with a bunch of clap pullups.
this was my first workout back from being sick. i lost about 5lbs and was basically malnourished/dehydrated all week so i didn't have the strength to keep going. i basically just wanted to get my body back into workout mode.

***started taking fish oil again***

WOD 5/18: clean&jerk
  • 135lbs x 4 reps
  • 145 x 3
  • 155 x 2
  • 135 x 4
i was still getting the sickness out of my body. sweating a lot more than normal - also harder to catch my breath. i had the strength to clean the 155, but i was sweating so much i was losing faith in my grip on the bar, so i called it a day. either way, feeling better.

WOD 5/19:

For time:
  • pushups x 75
  • sdlhp 95lbs x 35 reps
  • dips x 50
  • pullups x 25
  • pushups (elevated 2.5ft) x 25
time to complete: 21m51s
total reps: 210

definitely feeling better. still not 100% but a lot better than the previous couple days. i've been eating normally so i'm re-nourishing my body. i need to start getting more sleep's really been taking a toll on my performance. bah. i don't know how ppl work full time, have kids, and still find time to crossfit. hats off to them.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Spin = Deadlifts?

5/7: rest day

WOD 5/8: diane (mod'd)
  • deadlift 205lbs x 21 reps
  • elevated pushups (3ft) x 42
  • deadlift x 15
  • elevated pushups x 30
  • deadlift x 9
  • elevated pushups x 18
time to complete: 7m (exactly on my stopwatch)

total reps: 135 (deadlift x 45 reps; elevated pushups x 90)

happy about my performance. i could have been able to push a bit harder i think. but still happy. also of note: *did 21 consecutive deadlifts of 205lbs. whooooo! i think spin class has been helping?

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Sweaty Palms Drop Sweaty Bars

WOD 5/6: elizabeth (2/3 done)
  • clean (hang,power/squat) 135lbs x 21 reps
  • elevated pushups x 63
  • clean x 7
  • elevated pushups x 35
time to complete: 13m15s

bah!!! i got so sweaty that i lost confidence in my ability to not drop the bar. i wasn't fatigued either, which makes this that much more frustrating. it took me a minute to come to this realization, so technically i got this done in under 13m. which still is nothing to even remotely brag about. the 135lbs was tough...i was breaking it into sets of 2-3, which consumed a lot of time.

man. man. i was supposed to have left planet fitness last year. i am seriously overextending my tolerance for this gym. these ppl are so ridiculas that go there. i applaud them (i guess ha) for working out in the first place, but come on. i feel like i'm one of the last remaining serious gym-goers that hasn't jumped the ship on planet fitness. give me a break ppl. workout or gtfo!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hormonal Rage. whoo?

WOD 5/5: back squats
  • 225lbs x 5 reps
  • 275 x 5
  • 265 x 5
  • 255 x 5
  • 245 x 5
this felt good. the last rep on the 275 was tough to push up but i got it. was happy with that. i also walked the robert frost from bay rd in btown to hulst rd. this was maybe 1/2 mile total...i ended it when i realized where it connected. this means i've done the rft from the notch to amherst woods (patching everything in along the way). now i need to finish the section from amherst woods to amherst st at the big entrance.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Snatchy Athletically

4/30: rest day

5/1: rest day

WOD 5/2: As many rounds in 20m of:
  • clap pushups x 10
  • clap pullups x 3
performed 13 rounds.
(clap pullups x 39 and clap pushups x 130 = 169 total reps)

good god am i sore!!! it is now monday 5/5 and i am still sore! my chest/shoulders/upper back/triceps/forearms. all sore. to the touch.

WOD 5/3: snatch (hang, power)
  • 85lbs x 4 reps
  • 95 x 4
  • 105 x 3
  • 115 x 3
  • 120 x 2
  • 125 x 2
  • 130 x 1
  • 135 x 1 - PR!!!!!!!
felt great after i snatched the bar with a 45lb plate on each side. that was difficult and took some balls to do in a globo gym. i'll give myself props :) i am ~170-172lbs at this point tho. but hey. i'm still happy. the heavy snatch takes a helluva lot of power to perform. :)

5/4: rest day