Monday, May 05, 2008

Snatchy Athletically

4/30: rest day

5/1: rest day

WOD 5/2: As many rounds in 20m of:
  • clap pushups x 10
  • clap pullups x 3
performed 13 rounds.
(clap pullups x 39 and clap pushups x 130 = 169 total reps)

good god am i sore!!! it is now monday 5/5 and i am still sore! my chest/shoulders/upper back/triceps/forearms. all sore. to the touch.

WOD 5/3: snatch (hang, power)
  • 85lbs x 4 reps
  • 95 x 4
  • 105 x 3
  • 115 x 3
  • 120 x 2
  • 125 x 2
  • 130 x 1
  • 135 x 1 - PR!!!!!!!
felt great after i snatched the bar with a 45lb plate on each side. that was difficult and took some balls to do in a globo gym. i'll give myself props :) i am ~170-172lbs at this point tho. but hey. i'm still happy. the heavy snatch takes a helluva lot of power to perform. :)

5/4: rest day

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