Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I wanna make a virus...

5/9: rest day - lil sis grad

rest day - lil sis grad

5/11: rest day - lil sis grad

5/12: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

5/13: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

5/14: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

5/15: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

5/16: rest day - sick w/stomach flu :(

WOD 5/17: push press
  • 135lbs x 5 reps
  • 145 x 3
  • 155 x 2
finished with a bunch of clap pullups.
this was my first workout back from being sick. i lost about 5lbs and was basically malnourished/dehydrated all week so i didn't have the strength to keep going. i basically just wanted to get my body back into workout mode.

***started taking fish oil again***

WOD 5/18: clean&jerk
  • 135lbs x 4 reps
  • 145 x 3
  • 155 x 2
  • 135 x 4
i was still getting the sickness out of my body. sweating a lot more than normal - also harder to catch my breath. i had the strength to clean the 155, but i was sweating so much i was losing faith in my grip on the bar, so i called it a day. either way, feeling better.

WOD 5/19:

For time:
  • pushups x 75
  • sdlhp 95lbs x 35 reps
  • dips x 50
  • pullups x 25
  • pushups (elevated 2.5ft) x 25
time to complete: 21m51s
total reps: 210

definitely feeling better. still not 100% but a lot better than the previous couple days. i've been eating normally so i'm re-nourishing my body. i need to start getting more sleep tho...it's really been taking a toll on my performance. bah. i don't know how ppl work full time, have kids, and still find time to crossfit. hats off to them.

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