Tuesday, May 27, 2008

To Grandmother's house we go...

WOD 5/23:

For time:
21 L-pull-ups
20 One legged squats, alternating legs
18 L-pull-ups
16 One legged squats, alternating legs
15 L-pull-ups
12 One legged squats, alternating legs
12 L-pull-ups
8 One legged squats, alternating legs

completed in: 15m35s
total reps: L-pullups x 66; pistols x 56 reps = 122 total reps

whoo, this was fun. i was busting the l-pullups out in singles by the time the 3rd set came around. my right weaker leg was fun as well on the pistols, but i only lost my balance maybe 3 times...a big improvement over my last attempt at them.

5/24: rest day

WOD 5/25: hiked for 3 hours on m&m from the north leverett coop to i'd estimate about mid-way into the wendell state forest. didn't make it to ruggles pond but we had to have hiked about 4-5 miles in. all in all we hiked ~8-9 miles.

WOD 5/26: snatches (power)
  • 95lbs x 5 reps
  • 105 x 5
  • 115 x 5
  • 120 x 5
  • 125 x 5
  • 135 x 1
  • 140 x 1 - PR!!!!!
i taught liz the snatch and she loves it. it's a great thing to have someone validate your opinion on an exercise. felt strong enough to tie the PR, and then break it.

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