Saturday, September 19, 2009

Twisted masochistic fun

WOD 9/18: e-squared wod
  • deadlift 345lbs x 1 rep x 1 set
excited to have hit 345 - 20lbs under my all time max of 365lbs. i believe when i set that max i was somewhere in the neighborhood of 177-180lbs bodyweight. i was also training deadlift quite a lot. today i hit 345lbs with a bodyweight of 166-167lbs and we seldom train the actual deadlift. we were also fasted at the time. booyah! liz also set a deadlift record: 175lbs!!! my guinea pig is getting stupid strong.

this wod starts out two weeks of working heavy singles in the deadlift, back squat and press. these are the big three powerlifting moves (with the exception of bench - but we rarely if ever bench as its functionality is questionable).

we seldom work heavy singles anymore because we tend to focus more on athletic functionality with submaximal loads. however, it is good to work heavy singles every now and again so that you can gauge where your upper limit strength is at. plus they're plain fun in that sick, twisted masochistic kind of way.

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