Friday, November 09, 2007

Good Vibes and Self-Transforming Machine Elves

"i do see"

11/7: rest day

WOD 11/8: deadlifts
  • 135lbs x 12 reps
  • 185 x 7
  • 225 x 6
  • 275 x 3
  • 295 x 3
  • 315 x 3
  • 325 x 2

for some reason 325 felt like a ton of bricks, so i decided not to go for the 3rd rep and called it a day. my 1 rep pr is 365, so i'm not sure why 325 felt so heavy. ah happens. :)

so as a side note, some interestings things have been occurring lately. last night:

i may have saved someone's life.

i know that sounds dramatic. but here's what happened. i'm 3/4 way thru my normal warmup at the smith machine doing pullup/pushup combos. i see this kid come up to the smith machine next to me and he's loading on weights to do flat bench presses.

now typically i dont pay attention to anyone at the gym. my music blares away in my ears and i'm narrowly focused on what the hell i'm doing. but for some reason i was being directed by something from within to pay attention to this kid. i dont know why. he wasn't benching much weight at all...warming up i assume. looked like a typical stunna kid and in fact that was my first thought when i saw him, lol. so nothing out of the ordinary and typically i'd be going nuts warming up but instead i was stretching and casually keeping an eye on the kid.

next thing i know he puts a 45 on each side. i'm thinking he can do that. he looked maybe 140lbs soaking wet. my guess is 17-20 yrs old. he completes his set and i go back to swinging like a monkey off the smith machine bar.

i look back over and he's loading another 45 plate on each side. on a smith machine that is basically the equivalent of 195-200lbs. i'm looking at the kid's arms...they look like tooth picks. no visible muscle tone or anything. i'm sitting here thinking...uhm. if he benches this i will actually be impressed. he lets it off the safety pins and lowers it down all the way to his chest, which impressed me even more. i figured he would have the typical 6" rom like so many have, lol.

but the bar wasn't coming off his chest. in fact, once it planted itself there it didn't move. at all. now this is happening in a matter of seconds, mind you. i then see him try to wriggle out from underneath it, so now the bar is approaching his neck...all 200lbs. his face is completely red and he has the most horrified look. i'm thinking 200lbs on his neck and he will die. there was no one else around him and absolutely no one was paying attention except for me.

i sprint over and lift the 200lbs right off him and hook it on the pins. then i went back to what i was doing. he thanked me a couple times and that was that. as it happened, i remembered thinking: "there it is". a simple statement, but a statement reflective of knowing.

i felt empowered.

i had energy tingling all thru me and my mind was working at its peak height. perhaps that was my soul...or the right side of my brain...or perhaps chemicals being fired off left and right. whatever it was...

i am in love with that feeling.

prior to this happening, some weirdo at a stoplight was messing with me, lol. maybe he thought i was going too slow or what not. he basically pulled his car next to mine...he was in the left hand lane, me the right. he could have pulled his car up another 2 lengths to be behind the next person, but decided to stop right next to mine. so once again my intuitive voice said the dude is prolly nuts...just ignore him. and thats what i did. i eased my car forward a few inches and he did the exact same thing and stopped exactly as i stopped, lol. so i thought this is extremely odd. then when the left hand lane turned green, i see him speed off and honk his horn violently at the person ahead of him, lol. intuition wins again!

a few nights ago i was driving home and i saw a fox on george hannum rd. not 5 minutes later i'm on rt. 202 and i see another fox. odd?

a few nights ago i was at the gym and found a wallet and returned it, thinking this is the best and right thing to do. the next morning two different TO's came up to me at completely different times and told me how much they appreciated me and thanked me a bunch. my prior experiences with these two people weren't the best - in fact they both had acted condescendingly.

wednesday night (i think) i had gone to B&N to waste some time. i ended up reading a chapter out of Sex, Drugs Einstein, & Elves about dmt. awesome book btw. i sort of had an epiphany and had to reread this quote a bunch of times.

"Now do you see, now do you see?"

that about knocked me right off my rocker, because that is exactly what happened to me. along with the aztec/mayan type entity and fairy and what not and everything else. since then and even before then things have been happening. maybe it's that i'm coming back in tune with my right brain. maybe it's that i'm now 25 days alcohol free.

maybe it started again with that dream about b.

it couldn't get any more real than that.

either way, things are happening. things i can't easily explain away. i'm loving it.

1 comment:

blueavitar said...

im glad for you bud, we were all concerned about you, you dropped off the face of our circle. I came by your house a few times but you werent around. Im always around if you want to talk. no bs...i'll keep it on the dl so to speak