Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mary Mary Oh Quite Contrary Drinking Her Curds and Whey Protein Shake

WOD 11/9: "Mary":

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
  • 5 Handstand Push-ups
  • 10 One legged squats alternating
  • 15 Pull-ups

i scaled the hspu's because of the gym. ended up doing pushups with my feet on the smith machine bar at 2.5-3ft height. i also did strict pullups (so i made the pullups more difficult because most ppl kip).

got 7 rounds...(35 elevated pushups/70 pistols/105 pullups) pretty happy with that! i will work on doing hspu's w/more and more elevation (raising the smith bar up lol) in the future. i'm sure i can but i wasn't sure how i'd get my legs down off the bar that high w/o breaking my neck. :)

WOD 11/10:

  • sdlhp 45lbs x 75 reps
  • hang snatch 45lbs x 25 reps
  • sdlhp x 50
  • hang snatch x 25
  • sdlhp x 35
  • hang snatch x 25

total: 160 sdlhp (45lbs)/75 hang snatches (45lbs)...completed in: ~23min.

satisfied with the time but not ecstatic about it. sdlhp's are my arch-nemesis. tho as i'm finding out, anything in the fitness world that is representative of an arch-nemesis is usually something that makes me grow/adapt like no other...so cheers to them.

11/11: rest day

WOD 11/12:

Complete as many rounds as you can in twenty minutes of:

  • 5 Handstand Push-ups
  • 10 L Pull-ups
  • 15 Steps, Walking Lunge

i once again scaled the hspu's to elevated pushups on the smith bar (2.5-3ft). i sub'd tuck pullups for l-pullups as i hit my legs on the smith machine bar (i know i know weak excuse). i also did the lunges in place, as opposed to walking. my gym just sucks! anyway.

completed 8 rounds + 5 elevated pushups + 6 tuck pullups.

total: 45 elevated pushups/86 tuck pullups/120 lunges.

note: my thighs/inner/outer/hams and hips are feeling lovely today. thanks crossfit!

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