Monday, November 05, 2007

Snatching Wood

WOD 11/2: "Isabel" - power snatch 95lbs x 30 reps - time to complete: ~5min 30sec; followed up with 35 dips and work on clap pullup

was extremely happy with this workout! the snatch really takes a lot out of you (no pun intended ;)). i think that it is the pinnacle of athletic lifts. your entire body is functioning as one efficient unit to execute one rep. it certainly reminds you that training your body as one unit, as opposed to breaking it up with isolation movements, is the way to go.

11/3: rest day from crossfit, but stacked/split wood for 1.5 hrs or so

WOD 11/4: sort of a 2-a-day:

modified "Nasty Girls" workout:
  • air squats x 35 reps
  • strict pullups x 15 reps
  • dips x 15 reps
  • split jerk 135lbs x 7 reps
  • squats x 35
  • pullups x 15
  • dips x 15
  • split jerk 135lbs x 7
  • squats x 35
  • pullups x 15
  • dips x 15
  • split jerk 135lbs x 7
time to complete: ~14min.

i also stacked/split wood for ~1.5 hrs.

felt good about this one as well. it pushed me metabolically enough to my satisfaction. it's been an ongoing process to figure out how to modify/scale wod's enough to suit my needs metabolically.

it's sort of like:

too much weight -> progression of deterioration of form gets bad as an indicator -> taking too many breaks as an indicator ->scale weight

too much volume -> taking too many breaks as an indicator -> going way beyond lactic acid threshold as an indicator ->scale volume

if indicators are there for weight and volume, scale both.

this is the first step. the process of figuring out how to scale and how i respond physiologically and mentally is the second step.

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