Friday, November 30, 2007

Knees to Elbows? Knees to Chin?

WOD 11/29: As many rounds in 10min of:
  • 3 hanging toes-to-bar
  • 5 hanging knees to elbows (mine were actually more like knees to chin, basically)
  • 7 dips

got 6 rounds, 7 dips and 3 toes-to-bar.

total: 21 toes-to-bar, 30 knees to chin, and 49 dips.

this was another workout i made up, and once again it worked me like crazy. i might be even worse than coach...ok. nah. :) either way, i was a pool of sweat again by the end of it. i shot out too fast and did 3 rounds within 3 minutes, lol. that set me up for only getting another 3 rounds and change in the remaining 7min. whee!

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