Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hulk Smash!

"In the heart of the strong shines a relentless ray of resolve...It cannot be stopped, it cannot be controlled, and it will not fail."
WOD 11/14: push press
  • 95lbs x 10 reps
  • 115 x 8
  • 135 x 5
  • 145 x 5
  • 155 x 5
  • 165 x 4
  • 175 x 3
  • 180 x 2

heck yeah!!! i am stoked! it's funny sometimes when pr's occur. it was a mental battle from the start. i almost wimped out of going to the gym all together, but i kept reminding myself to not be such a puss and get the hell in there. after all, WWHRD???

i weighed 169 this morning so 11lbs over my bodyweight...whoo smashed it!

all reps were done w/elbows to full lockout...the last rep of the 180 got a bit interesting to get lockout. it started to sway a bit but i did get it (mostly). my inflexible shoulders are my weakness. they disrupt the frontal plane...holding the weight above my head at 90 degrees is very difficult for me. however, i've been working on flexibility every single time i train, so i know it's getting better.

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