Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Meeting the Arch-Nemesis Head On

WOD 11/13: 7 rounds for time of:
  • 95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull (sdlhp), 10 reps
  • 10 Ring dips (mod'd to 30 elevated pushups (feet on 2-2.5ft bar on squat rack)

total: sdlhp 95lbs x 70 reps; elevated pushups x 210 reps

i sub'd elevated pushups for ring dips because, as usual, the gym is busy as hell so i had to consolidate the workout to the squat rack (whee).

time to complete: 25min. i haven't looked at others times yet but i have a feeling i was pretty slow in comparison. of course that is a complete guess. a few days ago i posted that sdlhp's were my arch-nemesis, and then they rear their ugly head yet again...this time with more weight and less reps...yay.

going into this my inner thighs and hip flexors were feeling slaughtered from the last i was like...oh shit. shit. shit. shit. more sdlhp's. unfortunately my motivation wasn't there...suffice it to say. i haven't sweat that much in a long time. i had to put my shirt by the wood stove to dry it was completely soaked. at about round 3, this turned into a mental battle. i seriously wanted to quit and i wasn't even halfway thru it. i pushed thru tho.

however i did discover the value of this terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible exercise. i think at about round 5 this hit me. but then again by round 3 i was so worked i didn't know which round i was on. i think it was 3...but it might have been 4. lol. the value? this builds great strength, power, explosiveness and drive from the hips, which is really where most of your power athletically should come from. this works it like WHOA.

"yes coach. i'm pretty sure i did spill my tea."

happy fun yay whee koosh ball. sweet.

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