Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Gracie Bows Out

11/5: took a rest day (WOD was 400m sprints x 4 i decided to heck with going all the way to chicopee for that and decided that my normal daily walking (~2.5-3.0 miles) was a good enough sub :))

WOD 11/6: back squats

  • 135lbs x 10 reps
  • 175 x 7
  • 225 x 5
  • 275 x 4
  • 315 x 1
  • 335 x 1
  • 355 x 1 (fail)

incorporated a new thing into my warmup: doing a scaled version of the bear with 80lbs:

power clean->push jerk->back squat->split jerk

also worked on clap pullup quite a bit and busted a bunch happy with that. finished up with somewhere ~45 clap pushups broken into 2 sets.

i screwed myself up mentally on this one. :) pushed 335 up from below parallel - damn near a2a i think..i was actually impressed w/myself but i def felt it going up. so i decided to throw 355 on and then waited way too long. started pushing it up and realized that it just wasn't happening so let it down on the safety bars. basically my brain beat my brawn on this one :) from doubting myself to jackasses on the smith machine and other squat rack distracting me to too many ppl in the gym...being not really sure that i wanted to push 355 up in front of ppl lol. last time i pushed it up...either 355 or 350...either one is my pr...i damn near pushed myself to blacking and such. ;)

1 comment:

blueavitar said...

yea.. i only got up to 295... long road back