Monday, December 03, 2007

Screw Viagra - Just do Air Squats!

WOD 11/30: back squats 5x5
  • 225 lbs x 5 reps
  • 275 x 5
  • 265 x 5
  • 245 x 5
  • 225 x 5

all squats done a2a. wasn't feeling going beyond 275. had eaten dinner w/the moms beforehand at applebee's lol and so i took it easy.

12/1: rest day but split/stacked wood for an hour or so

WOD 12/2:

  • 5min of: hang power clean (95lbs) = 24 reps
  • 5min of: air squats = 135 reps
  • 3min of: hang power clean = 13
  • 3min of: air squats = 70
  • 1min of: hang power clean = 5
  • 1min of: air squats = 27

total: hang power clean 95lbs x 42 reps & air squats x 232 reps

yay tons of fun on this workout...haha. my quads today feel like i set a new back squat pr last night. good god! oddly enough my hams/glutes and such are not sore. i was going a2a on every rep, but i feel like i may "push off" with my quads too much. not sure. usually my hams get sore, so i suppose this isn't a bad thing, excepting that walking up my normal 4 flights of stairs has become an athletic event. :)

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