Monday, November 26, 2007

Tryptophan = Slacker?

WOD 11/21: "Helen" (modified & 1/2 week)
  • hang snatch 55 lbs x 21 reps
  • pullups (strict) x 12
  • hang snatch x 18
  • pullups x 12

total: snatch x 39 reps/pullups x 24.

unfortunately as usual the gym was busy and i got interrupted and couldn't finish (someone hopped on the rack while i was doing pullups). so i said to heck with it. to be honest i can't remember the time, but i *think* i was in the neighborhood of 10min when i stopped. i remember i was feeling a bit fatigued thru it, so it def wasn't anywhere near my best performance. you win some and you lose some - no biggie. :)

11/22: rest day (thanksgiving and the gym was only open until noon - stayed up late the night before so i said to heck with it and spent time w/the fam)

WOD 11/23: (1/2 week)

  • 6 pullups (strict) x 10 sets
  • 6 dips x 10 sets

alternated between pullups and dips (would do 6 pullups, then 6 dips, then 6 pullups, 6 dips, etc)

total: 60 pullups & 60 dips.

completed in *i think* 11-12min or so. for some reason i'm foggy on this time as well. yeesh. not sure why i can't seem to remember my times for the last week, lol. i do remember that i was having trouble w/the pullups towards the end. for whatever reasons i had to do singles for the last few sets. the dips, however, were unbroken and i had no trouble with them.

later on i ended up walking quite a bit (enough to include as a note). i don't know for sure, but i feel like i walked 3-5+ miles :) my friend and i wandered around the abandoned mental hospital in noho for a couple hours at was a full moon so we could see w/o a flashlight, but that def added to the creepiness factor :) unfortunately we didn't see or hear any ghosts.

jeff remarked that the woods around the hospital were always almost dead silent, and this night was no exception. one would think that an owl might hoot or a coyote howl or what not, but nothing. not even the sound of wind blowing. so that in itself was quite odd. we also could not get a fire going for the life of us. this could have easily been explained away by the cold night or somewhat wet leaves and such (they were actually relatively dry!) who knows. :)

11/24: rest day from xfit...but split/stacked wood for an hour or so

11/25: skipped xfit (slacker :)) because i didn't get to bed until 4:30am and wokeup at 9am. also started to get a cold! agh! i did end up splitting/stacking wood again tho for ~1.5hrs - so at least i did something active.

1 comment:

blueavitar said...

psh.. sup dude. long time no chat..