Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Feeling run down...awwww. Now get up and go.

WOD 4/11: weighted pullups
  • 55lbs x 3 reps
  • 55lbs x 2 reps
  • 55lbs x 3 reps
  • 55lbs x 2 reps
  • 55lbs x 2 reps
i was a bit disappointed with the low amount of reps. i feel like i should have been able to bust out more then 2-3 reps per set, but it didn't happen. i was exceptionally tired so perhaps that was it. it's also been a month since my last break, and i haven't taken a half volume week. part of that is because ive been taking more rest days than i had in the past. i purposely fell off the 3/1 schedule because i've been focusing more on strength and have been taking longer to recover. i may go easy this week tho. maybe focus more on metcons because doing strength workouts at half volume seems sort of pointless.

WOD 4/12:
As many rounds in 20min of:
  • deadlift 65lbs x 10 reps
  • clean (hang, squat) 65lbs x 8 reps
  • push press 65lbs x 6 reps
rounds completed: 7
total reps: 168

i wasn't impressed with myself over this workout either. i think i've been a bit run down (see above). well this is what happens...welcome to the game, as they say.

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