Monday, April 07, 2008

The Yes Spin Zone

WOD 4/4: gwen (mod'd):
  • clean&jerk (hang, power)(95lbs) x 15 reps
  • c&j x 12
  • c&j x 9
forgot to time - mainly because i had my head wrapped around trying to get myself into go mode to do this wod. the idea is that you do all reps continuously w/o taking your hands off the bar. to do so is considered a foul. well, 95lbs was too much because after rep 8 on the 1st set i had to set the bar down. oh well. it still completely rocked me...whole body soreness!

total reps: 36

WOD 4/5:
spin class w/liz :)

i voluntarily tortured myself again. kidding liz!
her spin class fits so well into the crossfit methodology - you just push and push and push.
this particular class was rough because there was a lot of hill work. extended amounts of time at your "8-10" (out of 1-10 scale) resistance.
this of course is great for me as i'm looking to develop power. it blew thru my anaerobic threshold. felt great afterwards w/crazy endorphin rush.

time: 1 hour

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