Friday, June 27, 2008

You Fall, I Fall, We all Fall Together

WOD 6/26: catalyst wod
  • muscle snatch 85lbs x 1 rep - snatch balance x 1 rep x 2
  • muscle snatch 85lbs x 1 rep x 1; 95lbs x 1 rep x 1
  • snatch (full,mid-hang) 85lbs x 2 reps x 4 sets
8 rounds for time of:
  • clap pullups x 2
  • clap pushups x 5
time to complete: 3m34s
total reps: clap pullups x 16; clap pushups x 40 = 56 reps + 14 reps = 70 total reps

the full snatch is coming together for me (whoo!). i still need a lot of work on shoulder flexibility. that is the limiting factor at the moment. but i stuck some really good, well balanced lands. the metcon kicked my ass. after the 4th round, i had to take a break for 20sec or was like i hit a wall. i really had to churn out the last 4 rounds.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Life is like a huge video game...

WOD 6/25: hiking
time: ~45m
it was a nice day so i decided to go hiking. headed up to the m&m trail entrance off harris mountain road. i needed a workout, so i headed up long mountain (920'). def got a sweat on. i reached the top and went beyond a bit, then turned around and jogged/ran all the way back.

obviously going down is "easier" cardio wise, but as far as a workout, my quads took a beating. i also used different running techniques. on flat land i was bounding off my heal more - trying to employ the power from my posterior chain. this worked great actually. i found i was faster but with much less strain. i also employed the uphill/downhill running techniques i learned on crossfit, which also worked great. made going uphill much easier and i found i could go further before wearing down.

also, the coordination, agility, balance, etc that comes with downhill running is fantastic. it's like a video game - just real life (i work with too many geeks).

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Frog Legs. Eat em up, yum!

6/23: rest day

WOD 6/24: catalyst wod
  • back squat 305lbs x 3 reps x 5 sets
  • clean deadlift 315lbs x 2 reps x 3 sets
  • push press 155lbs x 4 reps x 5 sets
  • chinups x 29
  • situps x 50
total reps: 120

my legs feel like frog legs. whatever that means? they are destrizzled. destroyed. that was another beat down. i'm def beaten all over, again. lovin it. :) the 315 deadlift wasn't nearly as difficult as i had think my dl is going up. i think i'm just getting stronger. :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

And the Winner is... ;)

6/20: rest day

6/21: catalyst wod
  • snatch (floor,full) 85lbs x 1 rep x 4 sets
  • snatch balance 85lbs x 1 rep; 75lbs x 1 rep x 2 sets
5 rounds for time:
  • jump squat 65lbs x 15 reps
  • clap pushups (elevated 2.5ft) x 10
time to complete: 6m35s
total reps: 125 reps + 7 reps = 132 reps

6/22: catalyst wod
  • muscle snatch 145lbs x 1 rep - PR!!!!!
  • clean & jerk 180lbs x 1 rep - PR!!!!!
  • back squat 355lbs x 1 rep - PR!!!!!
i seriously never thought this was possible. Hit 3 PR's in one session! what?? and broke thru a huge back squat plateau. i went below parallel...not quite ass-to-grass but still. never had that much weight on my back. and i cleaned 180lbs w/o a problem!!! the jerk wasn't quite a full lockout...i just didn't want to fall over in the middle of planet fatness. :) oh btw...i hit all these PR's at a bodyweight of 170lbs even. thank god for this wod. i may even post up on the boards. seriously. this is the fire i needed to get going again. this morning my whole body is exhausted.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Me Joints is Flared Up, Meh

WOD 6/19: catalyst wod
  • 2-position clean (full,mid-hang) 105lbs x 1 rep x 3 sets
  • push jerk + split jerk 115lbs x 1 rep x 3 sets
  • muscle snatch 125lbs 1 rep x 3 sets
3 rounds for time of:
  • 10 pistols (alternating)
  • 20 elevated pushups (3ft)
  • 7 L-pullups
completed in: 6m35s; total reps: pistols x 30; pushups (3ft) x 60; L-pullups x 21 = 111 reps

the strength portion of this workout wasn't bad at all (it was 60% of 1RM of clean/jerk). the 2-position clean and push jerk+jerk made it worth it. the snatch was def the best exercise.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Roof is on Fire

6/17: rest day

WOD 6/18: catalyst wod
  • front squat 170lbs x 2 reps x 5 sets
  • snatch pull 135lbs x 2 reps x 2 sets
  • snatch pull 145lbs x 2 reps x 1 set
  • push press 190lbs x 1 rep - PR!!!!!!!!
  • push jerk 165lbs x 1 rep x 2 sets
  • 15 pullups
  • 30 pushups
  • 45 air squats
wow...another great workout by catalyst. liz joined me for this one and it whupped her ass :) she also did a longer metcon and had much less sleep than i. i'm loving these workouts. seriously.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hands ache?? like whoa.

WOD 6/16: catalyst wod
  • back squat 290lbs x 3 reps x 5 sets
  • snatch-grip deadlift 185lbs x 3 reps; 225 x 2; 275 x 2
  • push press 150lbs x 5 reps x 5 sets
  • pullups x 30
total reps: bs x 15; dl x 7; push press x 25; pullups x 30 = 77 total reps

oh. my. goodness. i have not trained that hard...on this morning...i am...dead. even my hands are feelin it. need more sleep. wow. this was something else. i am...yea.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Power = Better

6/13: rest day

WOD 6/14: catalyst wod
  • Snatch - 115lbs x 1 rep x 4 sets
  • Clean & jerk - 135lbs x 1 x 3
  • Back squat - 275lbs x 1; 315 x 1
  • K2E - 10 reps x 3 sets
total reps: snatch x 4; c&j x 3; bs x 2; k2e x 30 = 39 total reps

this was my first catalyst athletics WOD. i loved it! getting used to the programming was a bit odd. i mean squat 90% of your 1RM x 1 rep? that is quite odd? and i was have to be kidding want me to squat that w/o any warm up squats??? so i threw 275 on there and did that like butter. then i said what the hell. i'll do my true 90% (315lbs) and threw it up like BUTTER. i can't believe goes against all the traditional programming that is drilled in my head. the same went for the snatches and c&j's, but with minimal snatch and c&j warmup, i was able to bust the reps out w/no problem. this is crazy!

i'm really glad i found these WODs. they are programmed for strength, which is exactly what i've been trying to work on. whoo!

WOD 6/15: disc golf

went disc golfing for the first time this year (first time since september). we didn't get all 18 holes because we ran out of day light. was fun tho. went with josh, sheila, matt and liz. it was power was a lot more than it was last september. i am stronger!

time: ~2-2.5 hrs

Friday, June 13, 2008

You gots to love the Plyo. Period.

WOD 6/12:
As many rounds in 10m of:
  • clap pullups x 2 (16 total)
  • clap pushups elevated 2ft x 10 (70 total)
  • squats (air) x 15 reps (105 total)
completed 7 rounds and 2 clap pullups.
total reps: clap pullups x 16; clap pushups x 70; squats x 105 = 191 total reps

i got my sweat on with this one. by the 4th-5th round i was breaking the clapping pushups up into sets of 5 reps. those were fun with my feet elevated on the smith rack bar. the bar was only ~2ft up as opposed to my typical ~3ft i use when i do normal elevated pushups. it was also fun when i would finish the pushups because i was hopping off the bar, burpee style, and sticking a two foot landing. hoorah!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

To Eat or not to Eat?

WOD 6/11: deadlifts
  • 275lbs x 3 reps
  • 295 x 3
  • 315 x 3
  • 325 x 2
  • 275 x 3
wasn't too bad. was happy to pull 325 again. i've been completely stuck on a deadlift and back squat plateau for a while now. a long time acually. that is part of the reason why i've been cycling in a lot more strength workouts lately. i want to to bust through these plateaus! i also don't want to do it through a lot of additional calories. we'll see how that goes.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Woods > Planet Fatness

6/9: rest day

WOD 6/10: hiking

i headed down to the m&m trail on amherst st, down by moody bridge rd. i ran from there to where the trail intersects moody bridge rd. i turned around and ran/walked back to the car. legs are feeling a bit stiff this morning.

time: ~25m.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Humidity is not cool, mmkay?

6/6: rest day

WOD 6/7: c&j/clean/push jerk
  • clean&jerk 135lbs x 3
  • jerk (push) 145lbs x 7
  • clean (full squat) 145lbs x 7
  • jerk (push) 145lbs x 7
total reps: 24.

did the push jerk, clean and push jerk in a bit less than 5m. got irritated because it was so humid and hot that i couldn't keep a grip on the bar w/the cleans, so had to stop the workout. blah!

i so need another gym.

WOD 6/8: weighted pullups
  • 65lbs x 3 reps
  • 65 x 3
  • 65 x 3
  • 65 x 2.5 - made it 3 tho
  • 65 x 2
  • 65 x 1
total reps: 15

these felt decent, but not spectacular. good to get a real strength workout in. the 3rd rep of each set was tough to get. i changed my hand positions for each set as well.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Can you please open your iliacus?

WOD 6/5: sumo-deadlift high pulls (sdlhp)
  • 95lbs x 5 reps
  • 105 x 5
  • 135 x 4
  • 135 x 4
  • 125 x 5
  • 115 x 5
total reps: 28

i hadn't done these in quite a while, so i decided to throw them in. This exercise really shows what a powerful opening of the hips can really do in terms of power.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A+ comes around yet again....

5/30: rest day

WOD 5/31:
  • thruster 135lbs x 10 reps
  • squat jump 45lbs x 50 reps
  • thruster x 8
  • squat jump x 40
  • thruster x 6
  • squat jump x 30
  • thruster x 4
  • squat jump x 20
  • thruster x 2
  • squat jump x 10
completed in: 24m
total reps: thruster x 30; squat jump x 150 = 180 total

the thrusters were easy. the squat my legs are still beat and it's like 4 days later!!! the entire workout killed me. i drank the previous night...bad idea. it was a mission just to survive this workout...never mind get through it. wow.

WOD 6/1:
  • clean (squat) 135lbs x 10 reps
  • push press 45lbs x 50 reps
  • clean x 8
  • push press x 40
  • clean x 6
  • push press x 30
  • clean x 4
  • push press x 20
  • clean x 2
  • push press x 10
completed in: 18m44s
total reps: clean x 30; push press x 150 = 180 total

this one kicked my ars, but not as bad as the other one. liz joined me for this beat down and we both had fun. she did clean 45lbs x 30 reps and overhead squat 45lbs x 150 reps. her legs are destroyed!

6/2: rest day

6/3: rest day - studin for 2nd part of A+

6/4: rest day - studyin for 2nd part of A+