Friday, June 27, 2008

You Fall, I Fall, We all Fall Together

WOD 6/26: catalyst wod
  • muscle snatch 85lbs x 1 rep - snatch balance x 1 rep x 2
  • muscle snatch 85lbs x 1 rep x 1; 95lbs x 1 rep x 1
  • snatch (full,mid-hang) 85lbs x 2 reps x 4 sets
8 rounds for time of:
  • clap pullups x 2
  • clap pushups x 5
time to complete: 3m34s
total reps: clap pullups x 16; clap pushups x 40 = 56 reps + 14 reps = 70 total reps

the full snatch is coming together for me (whoo!). i still need a lot of work on shoulder flexibility. that is the limiting factor at the moment. but i stuck some really good, well balanced lands. the metcon kicked my ass. after the 4th round, i had to take a break for 20sec or was like i hit a wall. i really had to churn out the last 4 rounds.

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