Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A+ comes around yet again....

5/30: rest day

WOD 5/31:
  • thruster 135lbs x 10 reps
  • squat jump 45lbs x 50 reps
  • thruster x 8
  • squat jump x 40
  • thruster x 6
  • squat jump x 30
  • thruster x 4
  • squat jump x 20
  • thruster x 2
  • squat jump x 10
completed in: 24m
total reps: thruster x 30; squat jump x 150 = 180 total

the thrusters were easy. the squat my legs are still beat and it's like 4 days later!!! the entire workout killed me. i drank the previous night...bad idea. it was a mission just to survive this workout...never mind get through it. wow.

WOD 6/1:
  • clean (squat) 135lbs x 10 reps
  • push press 45lbs x 50 reps
  • clean x 8
  • push press x 40
  • clean x 6
  • push press x 30
  • clean x 4
  • push press x 20
  • clean x 2
  • push press x 10
completed in: 18m44s
total reps: clean x 30; push press x 150 = 180 total

this one kicked my ars, but not as bad as the other one. liz joined me for this beat down and we both had fun. she did clean 45lbs x 30 reps and overhead squat 45lbs x 150 reps. her legs are destroyed!

6/2: rest day

6/3: rest day - studin for 2nd part of A+

6/4: rest day - studyin for 2nd part of A+

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