Monday, June 09, 2008

Humidity is not cool, mmkay?

6/6: rest day

WOD 6/7: c&j/clean/push jerk
  • clean&jerk 135lbs x 3
  • jerk (push) 145lbs x 7
  • clean (full squat) 145lbs x 7
  • jerk (push) 145lbs x 7
total reps: 24.

did the push jerk, clean and push jerk in a bit less than 5m. got irritated because it was so humid and hot that i couldn't keep a grip on the bar w/the cleans, so had to stop the workout. blah!

i so need another gym.

WOD 6/8: weighted pullups
  • 65lbs x 3 reps
  • 65 x 3
  • 65 x 3
  • 65 x 2.5 - made it 3 tho
  • 65 x 2
  • 65 x 1
total reps: 15

these felt decent, but not spectacular. good to get a real strength workout in. the 3rd rep of each set was tough to get. i changed my hand positions for each set as well.

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