Friday, June 13, 2008

You gots to love the Plyo. Period.

WOD 6/12:
As many rounds in 10m of:
  • clap pullups x 2 (16 total)
  • clap pushups elevated 2ft x 10 (70 total)
  • squats (air) x 15 reps (105 total)
completed 7 rounds and 2 clap pullups.
total reps: clap pullups x 16; clap pushups x 70; squats x 105 = 191 total reps

i got my sweat on with this one. by the 4th-5th round i was breaking the clapping pushups up into sets of 5 reps. those were fun with my feet elevated on the smith rack bar. the bar was only ~2ft up as opposed to my typical ~3ft i use when i do normal elevated pushups. it was also fun when i would finish the pushups because i was hopping off the bar, burpee style, and sticking a two foot landing. hoorah!

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