Friday, June 20, 2008

Me Joints is Flared Up, Meh

WOD 6/19: catalyst wod
  • 2-position clean (full,mid-hang) 105lbs x 1 rep x 3 sets
  • push jerk + split jerk 115lbs x 1 rep x 3 sets
  • muscle snatch 125lbs 1 rep x 3 sets
3 rounds for time of:
  • 10 pistols (alternating)
  • 20 elevated pushups (3ft)
  • 7 L-pullups
completed in: 6m35s; total reps: pistols x 30; pushups (3ft) x 60; L-pullups x 21 = 111 reps

the strength portion of this workout wasn't bad at all (it was 60% of 1RM of clean/jerk). the 2-position clean and push jerk+jerk made it worth it. the snatch was def the best exercise.

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