Friday, December 28, 2007

Power is the Name of the Game

WOD 12/27: "Barbara" (mod'd and 1/2 week)

5 rounds; seperated w/3m rest periods of:
  • 15 pushups
  • 25 air squats
  • 10 pullups (strict)
  • 10 knees-to-elbows

results (estimated on wall clock - blah):

  • 1st round: ~1m15s
  • 2nd round: ~2m30s
  • 3rd round: ~3m
  • 4th round: ~3m30s
  • 5th round: ~3m30s

total: 75 pushups, 125 air squats, 50 pullups and 50 kte's

this almost got me yacking, lol. but it was all about power, which was cool. i was extremely pleased with all my rounds, but the first took the cake. whoo!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Without Music, I am Nothing

WOD 12/26: (1/2 week)
  • L-pullups x 50
  • dips x 50

time to complete: ~12m30s

did the fifty l-pullups before i moved on to the fifty dips.

i am def sore this morning, so considering it is a 1/2 week, lol, i guess i got my workout on. chest, arms, shoulders, upper abs, delts, etc...all sore. yay!

the workout itself was done w/o music. yes that's right. no ipod...because i forgot it at my house. i came to this realization about 1/4 mile away from the gym. and here it comes.

WHAT IS WITH GLOBO GYM MUSIC!!!!! i have had it!!!! i've had it had it had it had it had it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can not even explain to you how difficult it is to workout to marvin gaye. now, i appreciate the man and his music......IN A DIFFERENT SETTING!!! yes folks. that is right. in a different a restaurant, an elevator, etc.

NOT A GYM!!! and i also do not want to hear cheesy 90's and 80's pop. or whatever the hell it is. how can i workout to this shiz??? i seriously almost started banging my head against the wall. come on people. i'm trying to get my 50 l-pullups on.

luckily, at about pullups 40, i turned around to notice someone waiting for one of the smith racks to open up. in fact...he was standing behind mine (of the 3). so, tho at the 40 mark, i was starting to only be able to bust doubles or singles out, i def moved a bit faster. this deteriorated my form a bit more, but hey. after i finished i looked at him and let him know it was all his.

freakin douche. did i just say that??? sorry, but if i were in his situation, i would have simply done another exercise, instead of just standing there and waiting. plus he had khakis on. you're at the gym, kid. you're supposed to sweat. honestly i wanted to challenge him to do one l-pullup...and if he could, i would quit right where i was and relinquish the rack to him. but that would have been mean, because i have a feeling he wouldn't be able to get one. what he wanted to do was lay on his back and bench. *sigh*

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

it's the halfinator, mon

12/20: rest day

12/21: rest day

12/22: stacking wood / shoveling (1/2 week)

we had a cord of wood delivered to the house (already split) and of course the truck dumped it all in the side yard on a tarp. now, we have damn near a foot of snow in the yard, lol. so this made it an interesting workout.

i ended up creating an archaic system to get the wood from the huge pile in the side yard to our screened in porch. i would stack wood on a plastic sled and pull it over to a cloth carrying bag. i estimate that it was ~20ft in total that i would pull the sled. and then of course i would fill the bag up as much as possible, and walk it up ~10 stairs (didn't count) and into the porch. i'm not sure how much weight i was carrying. i could only guess, but i'm sure it was 50-75+lbs each time. i had to hold the bag in front of me, so that added some additional stress to my traps are feelin it this morning. :) i would then stack the wood on a couple pallets on the porch. when the pile started getting waist high, i would have to hoist the bag of wood up onto the pile, adding to the workout. i did this for about ~1.5 hours or so, and def got a nice workout out of it.

12/23: rest day (1/2 week)

12/24: rest day (1/2 week)

12/25: stacking wood (1/2 week)

basically the same as 12/22. i also added in "wood tossing" as i like to call it. i would toss pieces of wood from one end of the pile to the other. this added a bit of diversity into the workout. it was sort of like doing dumbbell/kettlebell swings. :) i did this for ~1 hour or so.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Squat Cleans are my Momma.

12/17: rest day

WOD 12/18: "chubby fran"
  • thruster (135lbs) x 21 reps
  • pullups x 21
  • thruster x 15
  • pullups x 15
  • thruster x 9
  • pullups x 9

total: thruster 135lbs x 45 reps & pullups x 45

time to complete: ~11m30s

my form on the thrusters, towards the end, got fairly sloppy. but i was pretty darn fatigued. interestingly, my lungs were ok during this fran. the last time i did fran (normal fran), i remember that my lungs were extremely taxed. i was def satisfied/happy with my time.

WOD 12/19: "badger" (2/3 completed)

  • squat clean 95lbs x 30 reps
  • pullups (strict) x 25
  • 800m sprint (on glider)
  • squat clean x 30
  • pullups x 25

time to complete:~25m.

had to hang my shirt by the woodstove...check.

i could not even finish this workout - i am sorry. i knew that my cns was so depleted that anything beyond where i had left off would be foolish. one thing about crossfit is that it is an accumulation of one must put things in perspective.

ok...squat cleans kicked my ASS. literally. and my hamstrings. and quads. and shoulders. and traps. and core. and brain. yay. wow. i mean WOW this wod was brutal. this could actually be used as a form of torture. squat cleans are straight up no joke. nooooooo joke! i would loooove to see any of the goons at my gym try this exercise. i would laugh my ass off. damnit just once i would love to see anyone at my corporate gym work even half as hard as i. even half!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Shovel, pull and press. yay.

12/13: rest day

WOD 12/14:

shoulder press (standing):
  • 135lbs x 1 rep
  • 145 x 1
  • 155 x 1
  • 165 x 1
  • 170 x 1 (pr!!!)

push press:

  • 135lbs x 3 reps
  • 145 x 3
  • 150 x 3
  • 155 x 3
  • 160 x 3

push jerk:

  • 135lbs x 5 reps
  • 140 x 5
  • 145 x 5
  • 150 x 5
  • 155 x 5

set a pr in the standing shoulder own bw! whoo! this is a personal benchmark in the world of athleticism! it's odd that my anaerobic upper body strength is progressing like crazy, whereas my squat and deadlift are stagnant. i shouldnt complain, however. i never thought i'd be able to do a bw here's to me. thank ya!

WOD 12/15: weighted pullups

  • pullup + 70lbs x 1 rep x 7 sets (pr!!!)

i grabbed a 70lbs dumbbell, not sure exactly what i could handle, and i had no trouble with pulling it for 1 rep. i probably should have grabbed a 75lbs dumbbell or 80 or what not, but that would require walking across half the darn gym with it, and i was being lazy, lol. still happy with my performance, as 70lbs is a pr for me. whoohoo!!!

WOD 12/16: shoveling

i wasn't able to make it to the gym, due to the crazy weather, so i shoveled the hell out of my driveway, lol. im not sure how long i spent...i think 45m, but i went crazy and repped it out. whoo!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

blahhhhhhhhhh back squats

*picture above grabbed from the crossfit main site hehe*
WOD 12/12: back squats
  • 275lbs x 5 reps
  • 295 x 3
  • 305 x 3
  • 315 x 3
  • 325 x 1
  • 275 x 4

ack!!! i dont know whats up with my squat and dead lately. they are both stagnant. but then again i'm a lot leaner now and im under 169lbs...and i've been building the slow twitch and fast twitch muscles and yadda yadda. but still. blah! blah! blah!!!! sorry. just had to let that out. :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


WOD 12/11: "Angie" (mod'd a bit)

  • 100 pushups
  • 100 situps
  • 100 air squats
  • 50 pullups (strict)

time to complete: ~18m 30s

yay! i was happy with my time. the original angie calls for 100 pullups, but because i have nowhere to kip, i decided to scale it to 50 strict. technically i could do 100 strict pullups, but my time would be out of this universe and my cns would be complaining very loudly at me. so it wasn't worth it. this def still fit into a metabolic conditioning workout and im happy to have completed it.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

This track is jerky...

12/9: rest day

WOD 12/10: push jerks/split jerks
  • pj 145lbs x 3 reps
  • pj 155 x 3
  • pj 160 x 3
  • sj 165 x 3
  • sj 170 x 3
  • sj 175 x 3
  • sj 185 x 3 (pr!!!)

the 185 x 3 didn't have the best form, lol. it was pretty good tho, but, with the exception of the last rep, i only got quasi-elbow lockout. that of course is due to my limiting shoulder flexibility. whatever tho...still crushed it...felt so good to throw up 185. a 45 and a 25 on each side of the barbell. that is a bench mark for me.

i weighed 169 (again) this morning, so 16 lbs above my bw. whoohoo!!! i'm def adding muscle tho...i think that is why my weight hasn't gone down, because i am a lot more lean and defined now. i'm eating more, but i'm also eating cleaner (more veggies, more fruit, and more protein). so far it's been working beautifully.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Got run over by a truck?

WOD 12/7: "Lynne"

Five rounds for max reps of:
  • Body weight bench press
  • Pull-ups (strict)

i rested for 2-5m between each round, and i did not take any breaks between bench press and pullups.

  • round 1: 13 bp, 14 pullups
  • round 2: 9 bp, 11 pullups
  • round 3: 8 bp, 8 pullups
  • round 4: 7 bp, 9 pullups
  • round 5: 4 bp, 7 pullups

total: bp bw x 41 reps & 49 pullups.

i was ok with my score, but not too thrilled. what can i say tho...i bench press so rarely that i can't be too upset with my numbers. it still kicked my ass tho, so it was worth it. i remember feeling at 2/3 tank again for what its worth, lol.

WOD 12/8: deadlifts

  • 275 lbs x 3 reps
  • 295 x 3
  • 315 x 3
  • 325 x 2
  • 275 x 3

yet again i get stuck at 325! i hope this isn't a mental sticking point for me. thats where i got stuck last time exactly one month ago on 11/8. this time my grip and hands gave out on me, not my back. it felt as if my calluses were going to be ripped off my hands holding that stupid bar. :) well, hopefully better next time, grr!!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Eye of the Tiger - and what?

12/5: rest day

WOD 12/6: 4 rounds for time of:
  • sdlhp (sumo-deadlift-high pull) 75lbs x 21 reps
  • thruster 75lbs x 21 reps
  • elevated pushups (2.5ft) x 15

total: sdlhp 75lbs x 84 reps; thruster 75lbs x 84 reps; elevated pushups x 60

time to complete: ~23min.

wow. wowee.

well, my body wasn't agreeing with me for this workout. :) even starting it i felt at 2/3 tank. i really had to focus to get myself mentally prepared. i knew this would be a gasser, and it certainly did not disappoint. by round 2 i wasn't sure if i could keep going. :) the last couple rounds took the longest by far. i took a lot of breaks and couldn't even get one set (w/the exception of pushups) w/o breaking it up. i was taking the kind of breaks where i would sort of crumple lol in a squat position with my forehead leaning on the bar watching sweat drip off me. and then the breaks morphed into like 30+ second wiping my face off and wondering where i was. got to love these workouts.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Me Encanta Crossfit!!!

"heart nebula"

12/3: rest day because life occurred...whee.

WOD 12/4: "Michael" (minus the sprints again lol)

  • 50 situps
  • 50 lower back extensions
  • 50 situps
  • 50 lower back extensions
  • 50 situps
  • 50 lower back extensions

total: 150 situps & 150 lower back extensions.

time to complete: ~9min.

yay!!! smashed my previous michael (on 11/17). my previous time was ~11m 30s. i'm hoping a digi watch will be appearing in my stocking this xmas haha because i need to start using a timer. estimating from a wall clock is gizay.

i'm not sure why but i felt great doing wait. that didn't sound right. haha but either way i felt awesome. my body felt light and the situps and extensions came fast and easy. i got a major rush, lol from going up and down so fast doing the extensions.

i love crossfit!!!!!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Screw Viagra - Just do Air Squats!

WOD 11/30: back squats 5x5
  • 225 lbs x 5 reps
  • 275 x 5
  • 265 x 5
  • 245 x 5
  • 225 x 5

all squats done a2a. wasn't feeling going beyond 275. had eaten dinner w/the moms beforehand at applebee's lol and so i took it easy.

12/1: rest day but split/stacked wood for an hour or so

WOD 12/2:

  • 5min of: hang power clean (95lbs) = 24 reps
  • 5min of: air squats = 135 reps
  • 3min of: hang power clean = 13
  • 3min of: air squats = 70
  • 1min of: hang power clean = 5
  • 1min of: air squats = 27

total: hang power clean 95lbs x 42 reps & air squats x 232 reps

yay tons of fun on this workout...haha. my quads today feel like i set a new back squat pr last night. good god! oddly enough my hams/glutes and such are not sore. i was going a2a on every rep, but i feel like i may "push off" with my quads too much. not sure. usually my hams get sore, so i suppose this isn't a bad thing, excepting that walking up my normal 4 flights of stairs has become an athletic event. :)